Fáilte chuig CLG Laochra Loch Lao

Bunaíodh Laochra Loch Lao mar chomhchumann in Iarthar Bhéal Feirste sa bhliain 2006 le páirt a ghlacadh i gComórtas Peile na Gaeltachta ar son na Ceathrún Gaeltachta. I Meán Fómhair 2017, seoladh Laochra mar chumann scartha. Is é seo an t-aon chumann lán-Ghaeilge atá sna Sé Chontae. 

Le 10 mbliana anuas, thóg muid nascanna agus caidrimh le grúpaí éagsúla sa phobal: Gaelscoileanna, grúpaí pobail Gaeilge, CLG eile agus go leor grúpaí pobail agus deonacha. I ndiaidh dúinn 10 mbliana a chaitheamh mar chomhchumann, creideann muid anois go bhfuil sé in am dúinn an deis a thabhairt do Ghaeil óga a bheith páirteach sa CLG trí mheán na Gaeilge. Beidh neart buntáistí ann do na daoine óga i dtaca le sláinte agus folláine agus feasacht cultúir de, ach cuirfidh an cumann le líonra sóisialta Bhéal Feirste agus le hathbheochan na Gaeilge. 

Tabharfaidh forbairt an chumainn go leor deiseanna do na daoine óga atá in oideachas lán-Ghaeilge fud fad na cathrach. Níl gníomhaíochtaí spóirt ar fáil trí mheán na Gaeilge ag na Gaeil óga seo. Deis ar leith a bheas anseo seans a thabhairt do na Gaeil óga atá in earnáil an Ghaeloideachais gníomhaíocht sóisialta agus spóirt a dhéanamh taobh amuigh den scoil. Faoi láthair, níl grúpa spóirt ar bith i mBéal Feirste atá ag freastal ar an ghrúpa seo. Léiríonn suirbhé a rinne muid sna bunscoileanna go bhfuil bearna ansin agus go bhfuil éileamh ann do ghrúpa spóirt trí mheán na Gaeilge. Tá sé d’aidhm againn labhairt leis na Gaeil óga seo nach bhfuil páirteach sa CLG agus an seans a thabhairt dóibh sin a dhéanamh.

Beidh tionchar nach beag aige seo ar saol na ndaoine óga nach bhfuil páirteach sa CLG ná in imeachtaí spóirt. Déanfaidh sé difear dóibh siúd atá in oideachas lán-Ghaeilge nó tabharfaidh sé an deis dóibh a gcuid Gaeilge shóisialta a chleachtadh le Gaeil eile. Cuirfidh an tionscadal seo le huaillmhian agus le muinín na ndaoine óga agus mothóidh siad freagrach as a bpobal féin. Beidh sé ríthábhachtach i saol na ndaoine óga a bheas páirteach agus cuirfidh sé le sláinte mhuintir na cathrach i gcoitinne. Athróidh na himeachtaí dearfacha sláintiúla an chathair go mór agus laghdófar an seans go mbeidh na daoine seo ar imeall na sochaí. Ní amháin go ndéanfaidh an tionscadal seo difear don duine aonair, ach cuirfidh sé leis an phobal amach anseo mar go mbeidh CLG lán-Ghaeilge bunaithe i mBéal Feirste a bheas ag freastal ar Ghaeil Bhéal Feirste. Chomh maith leis an spórt, díreoidh an tionscadal seo ar fhorbairt phearsanta, shóisialta agus theangeolaíoch na ndaoine óga agus is é sin an difear idir Laochra Loch Lao agus cumainn eile.

Fís 2020

Cumann bunaithe CLG a bheas i Laochra Loch Lao a sholáthróidh na cluichí Gaelacha do bhuachaillí agus chailíní, d’fhir agus do mhná trí mheán na Gaeilge.

Ráiteas misin an chumainn

Cuirfidh CLG Laochra Loch Lao spás ar leith ar fáil don phobal a saol a chaitheamh trí Ghaeilge agus an teanga lárnach ar an pháirc imeartha, sa phobal, sa tsaol shóisialta agus chultúrtha.

Welcome to the Laochra Loch Lao Website

CLG Laochra Loch Lao was established in 2006 as an amalgamated GAA club of West Belfast Irish speakers to take part in the annual National Gaeltacht Competition on behalf of the Gaeltacht Quarter. In September 2017, Laochra launched as an independent GAA club. Laochra Loch Lao are the only Irish medium Gaelic Athletic club operating in Belfast or indeed across the north of Ireland, a very unique project in itself.

We have established working relationships with a number of community stakeholders including: Irish medium schools, Irish language community groups, other GAA clubs and a number of community and voluntary organisation since our formation 10 years ago. After 10 years functioning as an amalgamated club we believe the time is now right to provide young Irish speakers the opportunity to participate within the GAA via the medium of Irish. This will have massive benefits for young people in terms of health and wellbeing and cultural awareness but the club will also act as city wide network for the community and Irish language revival.

The development of the club will bring great benefits to young people across the city who are currently taught in Irish medium education. Young Irish speakers have no access to sporting activities through the medium of Irish. This will create a unique opportunity for young people in Irish medium education to have access to social and sporting programmes outside of school. Currently there is no sporting group in Belfast for young people to avail of sporting services through the medium of Irish and this will fill that gap. Consultations completed with young people in Irish speaking schools experience isolation outside of school and little or no access to sporting and youth services. This demonstrates the need for such a project within the city. We hope to engage with young people who aren’t involved in any GAA clubs and get them involved in Gaelic games and sports.

This will have a transformational impact on young people’s lives who aren’t engaged with the GAA or any sporting activities. It will bring a difference to those who are currently in IME and that they will have an opportunity to develop the social use of their language and create a space for them to socially engage with peers and the wider community. This project will increase the aspirations and confidence of young people and create that sense of ownership within the community. It will be an instrumental part in the lives of all young people involved and add to the health and well-being of citizens of the city. This will bring a huge difference to the city that young people will participate in positive and healthy activity, decrease their chances of social exclusion, lesser feelings of isolation and increase their access to community events, sporting events and increasing their sense of belonging to the community where they live. The project will bring not only enormous difference to individuals but longer term outcomes for the wider community which will now have an embedded Irish language GAA club for juvenile teams available to Irish language speakers across Belfast. It will be central to young people’s development personally, socially, actively and linguistically which makes this project and its outcomes unique and different

2020 Vision

CLG Laochra Loch Lao will be an established GAA club providing Gaelic games for boys and girls, men and woman through the medium of the Irish language.

Club Mission Statement

CLG Laochra Loch Lao will provide a unique space for local people to live a life through Irish in which the dominant acoustic on the sporting field of play, and in community, social and cultural life will be the Irish Language!


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